Welcome! As I do not maintain social media accounts, I share my thoughts here as informal essays. As you can see, I am just getting started, but I plan to post at least once a month. Expect far-ranging yet personal forays, reflecting whatever happens to be turning over in my mind at the time.
Welcome! As I do not maintain social media accounts, I share my thoughts here as informal essays. As you can see, I am just getting started, but I plan to post at least once a month. Expect far-ranging yet personal forays, reflecting whatever happens to be turning over in my mind at the time.
The Long TBR
In which I extol the subtle joys of finally getting around to those books you’ve been meaning to read since middle school.
On Horizons
In which I interrogate my love of horizons, what they mean in my own symbolic lexicon, and why I chose this detail, of all things, to include in my bio.
Bodies of Christmas Past
On Nutcracker, personal hauntings, and the odd state of affairs that is living in a body.
All images and writing produced by me that are posted on this blog are my intellectual property. You may excerpt quotes as long as they are properly formatted, contextualized in good faith, credited to me as the author, and linked to my original post. You may not reproduce images or blog posts in full without permission from me.