Art Credits
Home Page: Detail from Edmund Blair Leighton’s The Hostage, 1912. Sourced from Artvee.
About: Detail from Martin Johnson Heade’s Hummingbird and Passionflowers, 1875-1885. Sourced from Artvee.
Works: Detail from John Dickson Batten’s Beauty and the Beast, 1904. Sourced from Artvee.
Blog: Detail from Giacomo Pacchiarotto’s Young Lady Writing in a Hymnal, 1474-1549. Sourced from Artvee.
Contact: Karl Freidrich Schinkel’s design for Mozart’s The Magic Flute act 1, scene 6. The Hall of Stars in the Palace of the Queen of the Night, 1847-49. Sourced from Artvee.
Please see individual blog posts for details on their accompanying images.